Title: The Book of Kringle – Legend of the North PoleAuthor: Derek Valez Partridge with Mark Packard
Series: N/AFormat: ePub, 32 pages
Publication Details: September 22nd 2016 by Vista Clara Productions
Genre(s): Children’s Literature; Christmas StoriesDisclosure? Yep! I received a free copy in exchange for an HONEST review.
In a magical land on top of the world, an epic struggle between light and darkness was waged between two brothers. King Kringle ruled with a harsh hand over the Elves of the North Pole, allowing no laughter, no play and no Christmas celebration.
There was only one truly kindhearted soul who could make a difference and change the course of the world. Would the Elves be able to find Santa and bring laughter and joy to the land? Manusol the Elf knows the answer, for it is written in The Book of Kringle.
This beautifully illustrated children’s book is an origin story of Santa Claus. Narrated by an elf, we are taken on a journey through a tough time in the North Pole where the evil King has put a ban on Christmas, celebrations, and even laughter.
But the Elves envisage a better future for themselves and together they set out to find the one person who can stop the King. The one person who knows the importance of the spirit of Christmas, and that is the King’s brother himself, known as Santa Claus.
The Book of Kringle is wonderful. The story was unique amongst many generic Santa Claus tales, this one had grit and adventure and just the right amount of danger, all finished off with a happy ending, of course. I only wish it was longer!
However, the star of the show is definitely the stunning illustrations. They are complex and bright and will no doubt hypnotise all children who are lucky enough to see them. This is a book worth treasuring for years to come.