Hair & Beauty Magazine

The Body Shop Cadeaubon T.w.v €10,- (Vrienden Loterij)

By Marssyreese

My boyfriend was subscribed to one of the lottery games here in NL, though I was never really a fun of any gambling games in any form never even patronize it. But everytime he gets a price I´m a kind of a little excited!... 

I know it´s a stupid thinking when you don´t want to engaged in a lottery but you get excited with the price, well, I guess a lot of us would like to have a price it is way better than getting nothing, right?The Body Shop Cadeaubon t.w.v €10,- (Vrienden Loterij)
I am excited with this basically because the price is a gift certificate worth €10,00 of any The Body Shop products!!!Yes, you read it right!   :)The Body Shop

Since I have a troubled skin specifically an acne prone skin I always look for a good remedy for it. Did a lot of research and found that I can try products having a TEA TREE as main ingredient.

With the gift certificate available, I was searching in the The Body Shop online store and look for a good product.

Found & came up with this promising Tea Tree Face Mask

The Body Shop Cadeaubon t.w.v €10,- (Vrienden Loterij)

image from

This mask actually cost €11,00 so I will just add €1,00 for me to claim it JWithin this week I will take time to visit the closest The Body Shop store here in my place.I am so excited to start using the mask and I am hoping that it can help me. Good luck to me...
Marssy Reeseœ
The Body Shop Cadeaubon t.w.v €10,- (Vrienden Loterij)

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