Golf Magazine
We’d like to offer athletes of all abilities the opportunity to wear cancer-free sports apparel.
What do we actually mean by this statement?
This would require removing all substances that are classified as carcinogenic from such garments. In some cases these substances linked to cancer can simply be removed, however, there are instances where the function they perform is essential to the manufacture / performance, an alternative chemical will have to be used. Yes, these safer alternatives are slightly more expensive, but we think you’re worth it.
Obviously other brands do not feel the same way. They will claim that they only use a very low dose of cancer causing chemicals and meet all of the regulations concerning toxic substances. But we feel even this small amount is too much, as these chemicals are interacting with your sweating skin when you play sport.
If you are unsure about whether the sports apparel you buy and wear contains substances classified as causing cancer, then we suggest you contact customer services of your favorite sportswear brand and ask for their restricted substances list (RSL).