Lifestyle Magazine

The Best Wedding Blogs of the Fortnight!

By Claire

Real wed­dings

  •  A fab­u­lous real wed­ding in Devon: lace, feath­ers and DIY details
  • A beau­ti­ful real wed­ding in Ascot — pur­ple theme, fab brides­maids dresses!
  • Pale yel­lows and a sum­mery wed­ding theme with glo­ri­ous sunshine
  • More pur­ple — this is another gor­geous UK wed­ding to inspire you
  • A beau­ti­ful, inti­mate Wilt­shire wed­ding. Gor­geous win­ter sun­shine and some thoughts on registrars…
  • Romance at Ram­ster Hall and some fab­u­lous first dance images
  • A peak dis­trict wed­ding — and some spon­ta­neous rock climb­ing in a wed­ding dress! This isn’t for the faint-hearted (but it’s fab!)
  • A Papakata wed­ding — glorious!
  • I love the wed­ding cake — and every­thing else! from this vin­tage coun­try wed­ding blog

Think cre­ative! The best UK wed­ding crafts and DIY ideas

  • First looks at wed­dings — I think they’re a great idea for many rea­sons, but does super­sti­tion scare you off? Maybe these images will change your mind…
  • Flo­ral chan­de­liers… what an amaz­ing idea. These look incredible!
  • 60s mod wed­ding inspi­ra­tion — the flow­ers are amaz­ing, but they’re miss­ing the vin­tage Vespa / Lam­bretta! Fail!? (I jest — this is a great blog post)
  • I think these cool and cre­ative wed­ding guest book ideas are fab!
  • A lit­tle off topic, some quirky cal­lig­ra­phy by the magic pen of Ms Scar­let Blue — love this!

Advice and opin­ion — thoughts on wed­ding plan­ning and more

cute kittens in bed

I loved this — civil ser­vants wres­tle with the con­cepts of con­sum­mat­ing a gay mar­riage. Seriously.

  • One in ten brides-to-be update their rela­tion­ship sta­tus on face­book within min­utes of get­ting engaged — did you? Insights into wed­ding plan­ning and social media from Mash­able and The Knot
  • Our gov­ern­ment made a stu­pid deci­sion to make gay mar­riage in Church of Eng­land and Church in Wales churches ille­gal. Peter Tatchell’s state­ment explains why this can be chal­lenged — it’s dis­crim­i­nat­ing against the churches them­selves, as I under­stand it. The debate rolls on…
  • Why do we let bureau­crats decide whether gay mar­riage can hap­pen in church or any­where else… they haven’t a clue. The issue of con­sum­ma­tion has our civil ser­vants thor­oughly con­fused — and this arti­cle is enter­tain­ing, espe­cially the kit­ten pic­ture and the flow chart! Enjoy
  • Last but not least, one of Annabel’s best: British crafts­man­ship and your wed­ding (dress) — a beau­ti­fully writ­ten piece about buy­ing British made items for your wed­ding. I’d love to hear more about this, extend­ing the dis­cus­sion to acces­sories, shoes and menswear. I’d like to write on this sub­ject myself too — because buy­ing British is one thing; buy­ing local takes it a step further.

That’s it from me for today, I hope you’ve found some enter­tain­ing links here!

Have a great day, what­ever you get up to — and see you back here tomorrow.

Claire xxx

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