Fashion Magazine

The AF Bloggers Budget Challenge

By Bethtinkerbell @TinksLostGirls

Hello folks,

I’ve been itching to take part in the challenge since the beginning and my turn finally came around! This is a challenge set up by Sera of The Agoraphobic Fashionista where the aim is to find a complete outfit at budget prices, showing that you can get something fabulous without having to spend major pennies.

The AF Bloggers Budget Challenge November

This month was sponsored by Tesco and we were given £30 to spend on an outfit to fit the theme party. Now I ended up buying two outfits for this challenge, one which you will see below and the other which was something I would wear for our family boxing day get together. I know that generally at this time of year most people have a party or two to go to, but I don’t because our works Christmas do will most likely end up in us going bowling at lunch time and then on to the pub where I escape as soon as possible and I already have my outfits for Christmas Day and New Years Eve.

I did manage to forget that my 21st birthday is Christmas Day and so I need something glam to wear when I get together with the girls! I’m not sure what we’re doing but it will be a great excuse to get dressed up! Luckily I remembered about my birthday in time and managed to place a quick order on Tuesday which I could run and collect on Wednesday after work, so I did end up with a little rush but I much prefer this outfit.

You can find the Tesco women's partywear range here, where there are many beautiful pieces. However on with the show and time to see what I picked!




Purple Lace Dress - F+F True at Tesco - £20
Black Satin Pleated Clutch Bag - F+F at Tesco - £8
6 Pack of 15 Denier Tights - F+F at Tesco - £2
Black Bow Court Shoes – New Look - £3



How beautiful is the lining of the bag? The leopard print would definitely win me over if the bag hadn’t already!


Just a little close up of the bag so that you can see it clearly.

I had great fun doing this challenge and I can’t wait to see what the other girls have come up with for their outfits, and to have a closer look, you will be able to find theirs by following the links below.

Kathryn -

Steph -

Kellie -

Sera -

Tink x

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