Art & Design Magazine

The 9 Most Stunning Abstract Art Facts of the Year

By Yasoypintor @antoniobasso
The 9 most stunning abstract art facts of the year

Price records, surprinsing exhibtions, new creations, death of …

Many sounded things have happened this year in the abstract art world. This post is a small summary of those that have had the highest number of visits and shares at yasoypintor´s abstract art blog or have impressed me the most. Enjoy the reading and feel free to add those abstract or contemporary art events that you consider to be the most relevant of 2012.

Van Gogh auction, Van Gogh sunflowers, yasoypintor

Vincent Van Gogh Sunflowers sold for $37,4 MM

Lets start by getting back 25 yrs to remember when a “then considered to be crazy” japanese paid an exhorbitant amount of money for a Van Gogh Sunflowers painting. Well, this quantity is half the price of Rothko´s Royal Red and Blue sold last november for “only” $75,1 MM…. Will it be true that “sky is the limit”  when talking about modern and contemporary art auction prices?

Rothko hits record price, Mark Rothko auction, yasoypintor

Mark Rothko’s 1954. Royal Red and Blue

Continuing with Rothko, this year some fortunates had the chance to visit and enjoy the Mark Rothko and Hiroshi Sugimoto London exhibition. Those that assisted talk wonders.

Gerhard Richter, price auction record, yasoypintor

Gerhard Richter´s price auction record

In November, another contemporary art auction moved Gerhad Richter to the pole position. His Abstraktes Bild (809-4) became the most expensive abstract art painting of a living artist ever, surpassing the place held until then by Jasper Jons. Going back to the above Rothko´s record and taking into account that he died 40 yrs ago, how much will someone pay for a Richter abstract painting in 40 yrs ?. Again the same question arises. Will art prices confirm “sky´s the limit“?

Martin Klimas, abstract photography

Martin Klimas´ colorful and moving abstract photography

The moment I saw the above Martin Klimas abstract photography I hallucinated, and I guess something similar  happened to the more than 2000 visitors the post has already had. After discovering this fabulous and inspiring abstract photography, I have found some other photographers making similar but still pretty interesting abstract creations (like the one below) that follow the same making process. I will be talking about them in future articles.

Abstract photography, yasoypintor

Fabian Oefner dancing colors

Various contempory and modern art exhibitions have taken place this year. There are two that captured my attention and I wrote about them. Opportunist, mercantile, creativity short, business and marketing oriented, these are some of the “elegant” adjectives used by some to describe Damien Hirst´s art. There´s a marketing say estating that the important is people talking about you, even if what they say is “dirt”. Whether or not certain, what was really trascendent was the impressive  Damient Hirst retrospective exhibition at the Tate Museum.

Diebenkorn abstract art, diebenkorn painting,

Richard Diebenkorn, Ocean Park #54 (1972)

Another not to be forgotten abstract art exhibition was the Diebernkorn´s one at The Orange County Museum of Art in Newport Beach. The exhibition of 75 of his paintings, focused on the extensive Ocean Park series and was said to be a total success. Did any yasoypintor reader visited it? If so, include your comments at the end.

There are four last 2012 art facts I would like to share with you. The first, and another of the most visited and shared yasoypintor´s articles, was Joan Miro´s abstract painting price record.

Miro price record, miro abstract painting

Joan Miro´s Etoile Bleu

The second has to do with the death of one of the biggest 20th and 21st century artist. His death leaves a big void in the global art scene. Antoni Tapies´creative capacity and talent, will not be easy to find again. He is an artist whose creations touch me the most and 100% awake my creative energy.

Antoni Tapies at his studio, antoni tapies art

Antoni Tapies at this studio

In April I wrote an article asking readers to vote who they considered to be their preferred 20th century abstract artist. After 248 votes and a really extensive list of names provided, the top five where: Kandinsky, Rothko, Mondrian, Pollock and Klee.

And to finish this year summary, allow me to share some data about this abstract art blog ´s evolution the year I decided to give it a real impulse: 35.118 visits (3.481 in 2011) mainly comming from the US, Canada, UK, Spain, rest of Europe and rest of the world; 310 direct comments written by readers plus the several ones I have moderated in different linkedin groups I belong to; around 1.110 active followers between all its social media channels…

Thank´s everybody for reading, commenting and being there. Wish you the best in 2013.

ps: to be updated on future articles, subscribe to this blog and follow yasoypintor on facebook, pinterest or google +.

I always try to attribute images and videos to their creators. If there is something misattributed or you would like it to be removed, please contact me.

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