Body, Mind, Spirit Magazine

The 60 Second Reboot

By Healingyoga

Change can seem like a big, hairy, scary, long, and painful process. I disagree. Thinking about change can make it seem like this is true but the actual point of change -- the moment you make the choice -- is quite painless. I experienced this for myself many times over these past couple of years. I made a number of big life changes that, when I had thought of them previously, seemed overwhelming. Just thinking about them made me feel like I would be undertaking a Herculean task, and I truly believed that it would take a lot of blood, sweat, and tears to "get through" them. My mind screamed, "You can't turn the Titanic on a dime."

But I did. I made a decision, and I chose something different. That simple act changed everything. My whole experience shifted once I made the decision. Yes, I had my moments of fear, doubt, and confusion but, ultimately, I kept coming back to my decision. Imagine my surprise when everything seemed to work out smoothly, easily, and for my highest good. That's when I realized that you're only as happy as you decide to be. There's always another moment where you can choose something else, where you can make a decision to do X and not Y. Granted, you may not like the choices available, but there are always choices available to you.

Lululemon founder Chip Wilson is taking a step away from sheer yoga pants (sorry, I couldn't resist...I'm not a hater -- I have plenty of Lululemon pieces in my wardrobe) and focusing on a new endeavor -- Whil. What is Whil, you ask? It's a 60-second, 3-step meditation. The idea behind it is to make a choice of peace over burnout. The ultra quick time expenditure makes it an easy choice to make. You can learn more about Whil here.

Personally, I have an alarm set to go off every 60 minutes. It reminds me that I have a choice in that moment. I can move or stay still. I can stay with the thought train running through my head or pick a new thought that serves me better. I can choose distraction or get back into presence. I can choose to avoid or to get in touch with what I'm feeling and wanting in the moment. I may not be practicing Whil but it works for me.

If you'd like to read more of Chip's story, you can find it here. It'll be interesting to see where he takes Whil.

But whether you're a Chip Wilson fan or not, can you see how pausing for a minute can have a profound change in the course of your day, and ultimately, your life? Why not try Whil or go your own way and set a timer to go off at regular intervals during the day so that you can give yourself the space to see all of the possibilities before you. It's your choice -- you can realize that you have the power and step into it or you can not. Just remember -- you have a choice.

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