“Whoa!” You’re thinking. “The 5 coolest toilets in the world? That’s a bold claim to make, Trade Winds Imports.” And yes, you’re not far off with that. We do like to think that we know what we’re talking about, though, given our ample experience with the bathroom furniture industry and the fact that… well, when you’re an online retailer of bathroom furniture, let’s just say you spend a lot of time sitting down on porcelain lids. We know our stuff.
But everyone has their own unique flavor, their own preferences and tenets of taste that define their toilet style. There are indeed hundreds of thousands of really cool toilets out there, all fit for the title of “top 5 coolest toilets.” For example, take a look at this majestic monument to bathroom sophistication, this regal and noble throne fit for any king or queen:

Kidding. We’re kidding.
But really, there are a lot of really cool toilets out there, featuring space-age technology or timeless style that will turn any modern bathroom into a truly awesome space. Check out our favorites:
1.) The Pressalit “Modern Art” Lid and Seat

“I can’t flush that, Dave.”
If Cylons, The Terminator, and HAL all give you the heebie jeebies – it may be best to steer clear of this one. But if you love cool gadgets and a seamless, futuristic blend of interior design and cutting-edge technology… then this toilet seat from Pressalit is for you!
That laser you see in the image above isn’t an insidious trap, though it may look like it; instead, it’s an infrared sensor, just like the ones found in auto-flush toilets all over the world. However, this sensor doesn’t flush your toilet for you when you’re done (or during… seriously, don’t you just hate it when that happens?). Instead, it detects when you enter and leave the room, so the Auto-close system can raise and lower the toilet seat for you slowly and silently. The sensor is programmable, so you can customize it to behave in whatever manner suits your needs. Want to never have the “did you leave the toilet seat up” argument ever again? Give the Pressalit Modern Art toilet lid a go.
2.) TOTO Neorest 600

Your new bathroom Swiss army knife
Sleek, stylish, and with incredible attention to detail, the Japanese-designed Neorest 600 aims to be really good at… well, just about everything. Shooting to be the Alpha and Omega of the toilet world is no small task but this awesome piece certainly makes a strong argument in its own favor. The lid opens and closes automatically and flushing is totally hands-free (and only 1.2 gallons per flush, which makes it way more water-conservative than standard models which flush 1.6 gallons every time you press down on the handle). It comes with a heating element inside the seat, with fully programmable temperature control. It comes with a bidet water spray that, not content to merely clean your bottom, also includes a warm air dryer to get rid of any leftover moisture. Oh, and the toilet is completely self-cleaning. And the cleaning is automated. Naturally.
How much does this modern marvel go for? If you have to ask… it’s about $5000.
3.) Duravit Waterless Urinal

Waste not.
Yes, technically this is not a toilet. And a urinal isn’t a common sight in any home, to be fair. This is probably because it only serves one function, and why take up space and install so much plumbing for one piece of furniture?
But this one just might change your mind.
The Duravit urinal is completely waterless, with a biodegradable sealant coating the entire basin that is made with plant matter that helps mask odors. It also features a ceramic siphon, rather than a plastic one. This makes the urinal eco-friendly as well as frugal: install one of these in your bathroom and watch in awe as your monthly water bill plummets!
4.) Kohler Numi

we’re not in minor league anymore, TOTO
Did I say that the TOTO Neorest 600 was aiming to be the Alpha and Omega of toilet tech-wizardry? Excuse me, it seems I spoke to soon. That honor probably goes to this crazy multi-tasking robot of a toilet instead.
A quick look at what’s inside: lightweight water-conserving flushes, a motion activated lid, a long-lasting deodorizing carbon filter, a heated seat, a heated dual-water-spray bidet, heated foot rests, communication and control over the lights in your bathroom, a smart memory that records and remembers all your saved temperature and lighting preferences, and built-in speakers that can play either FM radio or your uploaded mp3s. Oh, and all this functionality is at the tip of your fingers. The toilet comes with a touch-screen remote.
That’s right. This toilet has a remote control.
5.) Neo Metro Neo-Comby

Cool. Classic. Comby.
This super-useful piece of bathroom furniture makes the cut because it’s an extremely clever way to make the most of a small space. The Neo-Metro Neo-Comby may not be a toilet out of a James Bond film, but it certainly has looks that kill, and endless utility that sets it apart from its bells-and-whistles-heavy cohorts. On one side, you have a pretty classic toilet set, made from high quality stainless steel. The sink is installed directly above the cistern so the water you use to wash your hands doesn’t go right down the drain. The central unit also features a towel bar and ample storage space for all your toiletries. Neo-Metro is keenly aware that their customers enjoy choice and personalization, as well: the Neo-Comby is available in stainless steel, white, matte black, or a custom powder-coated theme. If you live in a small apartment or are remodeling the guest bathroom, the Neo-Comby may be the best toilet buck you’ve ever spent. Check it out here!
So there you have it, the 5 coolest toilets we’ve seen in quite some time. Now, we know what you’re thinking: Can we buy these awesome toilets directly from you, Trade Winds Imports?
Sadly, we don’t offer these toilets yet. But if you’re looking for some quality bowls at a more reasonable price point, why don’t you check out our toilet collection and see if there’s something you like?
About This Article
This post was written by Mike Bowman. He’s a sucker for cool gadgetry and sleek modern design, though he doesn’t make enough money to afford the TOTO Neorest 600. He loves 2001: A Space Odyssey, and is therefore far more likely to go with the Pressalit lid anyway. Shoot him a message on his Google Plus profile above or drop a line over on Twitter.