Hey all! Long time no see. I’m not going to make any guarantees that I’m back to blogging. And I’m definitely not going to promise another post but I figured it was time to drop in and spill some feelins’. Guess what?
My wedding is in exactly 89 days. Holy Balls of Fire that’s really soon. Insert people screaming and running around in terror. This is what’s happening in my mind right now. Not because I’m not crazy excited to get married, I AM! But there is a ton to do. I still haven’t physically bought most of our decorations. We still haven’t gotten Max’s wedding band… eek. My dress wont get here until the second week of June, and I’ve never even tried it on… kinda freaking out about that one. Ohh and our invitations are designed but need to be printed and mailed out.
Holy Yikes!
Max and I both want to look/feel our best for the wedding. I’m not focusing on losing a lot of weight, I’d love to lose 5-10 pounds if it happens naturally. But our main focus is to look awesome. Clear skin, tone up a little, that kind of thing. To kick start the remaining 90′s days of prep time we decided to buy the Young & Raw: 30 Day Green Smoothie Challenge App and do the challenge.
It’s supposed to be great for digestion and cleanse all the yucky stuff out of your body. The best part, we can still eat all the healthy (and let’s face it… unhealthy) stuff we like. I’m going to try and drink 1 smoothie a day and have a salad for 1 meal. Other than that keep living normally. I’m also going to start doing pilates and yoga videos every other day. Little changes make the biggest differences.
The 30 Day Green Smoothie Challenge: Day 1
Green Dream Pineapple Smoothie

- 2 cups fresh or frozen pineapple
- 2 cups green leaf lettuce
- 1/2 cup cilantro
- juice from 1 lime
- 1 cup coconut water (or regular water if you’re like Max and HATE coconut water… he’s weird)
Now, I’m not too much of a smoothie drinker. I don’t dislike them it’s just not ever my first choice for a snack or meal. I think it’s something about the texture… Anyways this smoothie was really really good!

The smoothie hot tip I have for you today… load your blender with the lighter ingredients at the bottom and the heavier ones at the top. Trust me it will make all the difference during the blending.

The heavier stuff pushes the lighter stuff down into the blades. I also blend all my smoothie into oblivion because I don’t like chunks. If I get a chunk the smoothie experience is over!

I’m really into incorporating herbs into drinks. The whole herbs in cocktail thing is totally rocking my world right now. So I was really excited that this smoothie called for cilantro. And I could definitely taste it, combined with the lime it packed this smoothie with flavor.

The recipe makes a lot of smoothie… And it’s just for one person. ENJOY!

We’re really excited about the challenge. The app is pretty great, it breaks the days down so that every 5 days there is a shopping list listing everything you need for those days of smoothies. And it gives extra info about how nutritious that day’s smoothie is and what the benefits are. Today I learned that green leaf lettuce is packed with nutrients, just like kale. But is’s easier to digest so it has really great cleansing benefits.

Have a great day!
Ohh and PS I was extra excited that the smoothie was so green!!!