Fashion Magazine

The 24 Days of Advent

By Bethtinkerbell @TinksLostGirls


Hello folks,

I have chosen to take part in The Advent Present Project which involves purchasing 24 presents, one for each day of advent with a budget of £20 and then posting them to your swap partner. The Advent Present Project was organised by Kirsty, (@gazpachodragon) and she organises quite a few events across Leeds where The Advent Present Project originated but due to interest from outside of Leeds a postal version was offered. I jumped at the chance to take part because I love Christmas and what could be better than creating an awesome advent calendar.

The person I bought my presents for was Kathryn from MissKathryn’s MissTakes, it was nice to have a fellow blogger because I think it made it that little bit more easier than buying for a complete stranger.

I’ve really enjoyed taking part and buying presents along with wrapping presents, which is what I love about Christmas!


Stage 1 of wrapping!


Stage 2 of wrapping!


All ready for posting!


I posted my parcel off yesterday and so it should arrive today or tomorrow!

I’m planning on sharing my advent with you all and so if I can keep to it there will be a short daily post each day with a picture of what i’ve got in my advent.

Tink x

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