Lifestyle Magazine

The 2014 Bridal Collection by Jenny Packham — Art Nouveau and Edwardian Styling from the Age of Elegance

By Claire
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If you’re look­ing for that clas­sic Jenny Pack­ham bridal look then you’ll love Flo­rence, Jean and Rose — for me they’re all out­stand­ing designs which are instantly recog­nis­able as Jenny’s with the bead­ing and embell­ish­ments we love so much!

Other designs in the col­lec­tion have the time­less ele­gance so pop­u­lar with mod­ern brides.  Jenny takes inspi­ra­tion from The Belle Epoque or ‘beau­ti­ful era’ which trans­formed fash­ion, aban­don­ing restric­tive corsetry and cre­at­ing the flow­ing sil­hou­ette ever since asso­ci­ated with the Age of Elegance.

A state­ment of roman­ti­cally soft, fem­i­nine design, the col­lec­tion encap­su­lates the spirit of Edwar­dian style and the Art Nou­veau move­ment which defined it. Intri­cate, light bead­ing, del­i­cate embell­ish­ment and clean, under­stated sil­hou­ettes play homage to an Edwar­dian inspi­ra­tion, whilst roman­ti­cally volu­mi­nous bal­le­rina skirts, grace­ful tulle sleeves and ele­gantly exposed backs bring to mind a very mod­ern bride, evok­ing scenes of a chic Euro­pean des­ti­na­tion wedding.

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jenny packham belle magnolia

Belle Mag­no­lia

Avail­able in ivory, cham­pagne and mag­no­lia, lux­u­ri­ous silk mikado, sump­tu­ous draped chif­fons and exquis­ite French lace are adorned with del­i­cate silk flow­ers and twin­kling crys­tals in a spec­trum of antique metal­lic sil­vers and champagnes.

See more from the 2014 Jenny Pack­ham bridal col­lec­tion (on Whim­si­cal Won­der­land Wed­dings blog)

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Jenny Pack­ham con­tin­ues to be the red car­pet designer of choice, dress­ing the world’s most glam­orous and dis­cern­ing women from Cather­ine Zeta Jones, Angelina Jolie, Amy Adams and Cameron Diaz to Kate Winslet, Diane Kruger, Dita von Teese, Kate Hud­son, Oscar win­ner Adele Aitkins and The Duchess of Cambridge.

I’d love your thoughts as well — do you pre­fer the intri­cate and enchant­ing pat­terns of Rose and Flo­rence, or the clas­sic lines and sim­plic­ity of Belle Mag­no­lia (favourite of Lon­don Bride Charley and Lou at Whim­si­cal Won­der­land Wed­dings)?

Favourites on a post­card please! (Or, y’know, use the com­ments box


Claire x

P.S. My aun­tie Jan­ice has a dog called Tilly, she’s gor­geous


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