Thai cuisine has the influence of Indian and Chinese . The main ingredients like coconut milk , peanut , fresh turmeric and banana leaf used in cooking process - shows the Indian influence.
This may be due to many south Indian especially Tamil Kingdoms has ruled Thailand. We Indians can easily adapt to these thai recipes , as these tastes similar to our cuisine except there are no aromatic spices used .
Use of various sauces in this chicken recipe , will suite the taste buds of Chinese recipe lovers.
These days I was searching for new chicken recipes every time I cook chicken , I prefer to make the recipe that suit to our taste buds.
This Thai chicken with cashews is easy to make with minimum ingredients.
Cooking time - 10 - 20 minutes
Sweet dark soya sauce - 1 tbsp
Peanut oil / vegetable oil - 2 tbs
Boneless skinless Chicken - 500 g
Whisk all the sauce ingredients together in a small bowl.
Heat oil in a wok or frying pan , let it heat for five minutes in low flame.
Add the cashew nuts and fry till golden brown.
In the same pan , add the chopped garlic , chopped onion and split red chillies and sauté till the spicy aroma of chilies come.
Add in the chicken pieces and stir well.
Chicken cooking time varies. It may take about 10 - 15 minutes.
Stir twice or thrice in between.
Add in the required salt according to taste , as the soy sauce contains some salt.
Now , add the fried cashews and mix once.
Add in the sauce and toss well for five minutes.
Thai chicken with cashews is ready to serve.
Serve with jasmine rice / plain white rice.