TGIF at GReads- This Feature is for Fridays to re-cap the week's post & to answer a question from GReads.
Question: Musical Stories: If you could read a book about any song, which song would you love to see written down in story form?
I can kind of cheat on this question because there is a song but one of my favorite artists that an author decided to write the story for it. The book is Remembrance by Michelle Madow based on the song and music video Love Story by Taylor Swift. I love the book and love the song! I think Michelle Madow did an awesome job turning the song into a longer story. I love Taylor Swift so if you take any of her songs and made it a book i would most likely read it.
What you may have missed on my blog this week:
- Cycles by Lois D. Brown
- Hana by Lauren Oliver
Other Awesome Stuff:
- Masquerade Read Along: Chapters 1-8
- Masquerade Read Along: Chapters 8-16