Food & Drink Magazine

Tesco Vegan Strawberry Fromage Frais

By Meowitserin
I've had a fair few bad experiences with vegan yogurts, sometimes they are horribly watery, they leave this almost acrid after taste, and sometimes they are just plain rubbish! But recently I was informed that I had a serious issue with my bones and that I needed to consume more calcium to rectify sed problem, so yogurts it is!I'm not going to lie here, it was the unbelievably cute packaging which drew me into buying these yogurts, that and the fact it was strawberry flavor. The yogurt is actually a fromage frais so this means it is a little thicker than regular yogurt. The serving size was quite adequate and left me feeling fully satisfied.The flavor is lovely, it is perfectly natural and fruity with enough sweetness to balance the creaminess, you probably couldn't tell that these were dairy free if you were just given a little pot of it with no description.Tesco Vegan Strawberry Fromage FraisI can't wait to try the rest of this range from Tesco because these were simply fabulous!Rating - 8.5/10Vegan - YesCalories - 73 per potBuy Again - Already Have!

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