The incredible people of Tesco, have really stepped up their game, making vegan and free from food less of an anomaly, and a lot more exciting and fun! Finally, I no longer have to scour the Internet, searching for crazy recipes claiming to recreate childhood favourites (with the results often being less than great...) Now, on to the review!

The box is pretty simple, but still pleasant, Tesco seem to have gone with a no messing about kind of thing. I do like this, because it doesn't alienate any audience, it isn't too manly, feminine, or childish. Clear and too the point, that is the best way to describe it, and in this case, I really do thing that it works.
Unlike actual Mini Milks, these only come in two flavours: strawberry and chocolate. This is a bit of a shame, but in all fairness, the vanilla flavor was always a bit boring-delicious, but boring. I decided to go with the strawberry flavor first because, well, I like strawberries!
The faux Mini Milks looks identical to the ones from my childhood, the smell was subtle and sweet, again just as I remembered. This whole thing was like a nostalgic blast from the past, which I couldn't help but smile at. So I began my munching without any further delay.
It is actually unnerving how much these tasted exactly like I remembered. There was a natural strawberry taste that really cannot be beaten when paired with the creamy milk flavor. A bit like eating a frozen strawberry and cream kind of thing. I really loved this one and found it to be delightfully refreshing, especially during these random and unexpected heat waves that we keep getting in good old Blighty...

I have slightly less excited views on the chocolate one, mainly because I always find chocolate flavoured ice cream to be quite disappointing, with it tasting cheap or just plain rubbish. This however did exceed my low hopes, and had quite a lovely flavor to it overall. The chocolate was more cocoa, with it not being overly sweet, and the creamy milk flavor was what shone through. In this case I think that this was for the best, as it prevented the chocolate/cocoa from tasting cheap and uneventful. So good job Tesco!

Basically, I really blooming loved these, and think that they are absolutely brilliant! They don't taste like 'diet' food, or strange, as some people (wrongly) expect from free from food. Instead they are packed full of flavour, and an absolute delight to enjoy!
Rating - 8.75/10
Vegan - Yes
Calories - 30 for chocolate, 31 for strawberry
Buy Again? - DEFINITELY!