Oasap ruffled goddess dress ( <—-click highlighted words to shop)

Oasap ruffled goddess dress ( <—-click highlighted words to shop)

Oasap Skull rhinestone bag ( <—-click highlighted word to shop)

Oasap Skull rhinestone bag ( <—-click highlighted word to shop)

Shoes from DAS

Oasap Beaded flower Headband ( <—-click highlighted oasap word to shop)

Oasap Beaded flower Headband ( <—-click highlighted oasap word to shop)
Hi Guys!
It’s been like forever since I updated this blog, thank goodness I got the chance to have my photos taken this weekend by the fiance’. How time flies (the meaning of the title), it’s the holidays again my favorite season! I can’t wait to put up the Christmas tree and decorate my humble abode. I already went thrifting again last week for decorations and of course additional items for my wardrobe (I’ll post my thrift haul this week).
I hope you guys like this quick post, and don’t forget to check out the OASAP shopping website, where you can also find good deals from head to toe!
Do you guys want me to start posting how I do my hair such as the roman hairstyle I did for this post? If so, holler at me on the comment section below.
Until my next post!