Lifestyle Magazine

Temperley London — Beatrice 2012 Collection

By Claire

Tem­per­ley Lon­don: the Beat­rice 2012 bridal collection

wedding dresses by Temperley UK (1)I adore the ele­gance of these dresses, the way they flow and the way they’ll move. The exquis­ite lace pat­terned back of the Estella dress stops me in my tracks (imag­ine the oohs and aahs as you walk down the aisle!) while the sim­plic­ity and grace of Chloe with the del­i­cate flower embell­ish­ment is just divine.
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wedding dresses by Temperley UK (5)
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wedding dresses by Temperley UK (7)
wedding dresses by Temperley UK (8)
wedding dresses by Temperley UK (9)
wedding dresses by Temperley UK (11)
wedding dresses by Temperley UK (3)

Beat­rice 2012 is an expanded, beau­ti­ful and var­ied col­lec­tion with styles to suit every Tem­per­ley bride. The col­lec­tion fea­tures new designs in a vari­ety of shapes, from del­i­cately embell­ished ethe­real gowns to struc­tured full skirt and lace styles.

The ver­sa­tile Avalia dress, inspired by 50’s cou­ture, is a shorter style in sump­tu­ous silk with an empha­sized waist and a detach­able long skirt, while the Gre­cian inspired draped Laelia Dress has del­i­cate three-dimensional flower appliqués on the bodice for an exquis­ite touch.

Embell­ish­ments through­out are intri­cate with hand-applied crys­tals, stitched embroi­dery and hand folded flower and rib­bon detail­ing. The col­lec­tion also fea­tures volu­mi­nous tulle appliqué skirts, mod­ern struc­tured strap­less options, and elon­gated body skim­ming sil­hou­ettes in lux­u­ri­ous silks and fine French laces, all with the same time­less, fem­i­nine and ethe­real nature that is the Tem­per­ley handwriting.

Wed­ding acces­sories from Tem­per­ley Bridal

Tem­per­ley Bridal also offers acces­sories includ­ing deca­dent head pieces and brooches, embell­ished sashes for the waist and wrists and an expan­sion of shrug and veil cat­e­gories in beau­ti­ful mate­ri­als such as rab­bit fur [which this par­tic­u­lar wed­ding blog­ger doesn’t endorse! — please scroll to the end of the blog post] and embell­ished French laces.

In addi­tion, each dress in the Beat­rice 2012 col­lec­tion has a del­i­cate blue ‘forget-me-not’ flower embroi­dery on the inside for the bride’s ‘Some­thing Blue’.

It is an hon­our when any woman chooses to wear your clothes, but when you are selected to cre­ate their wed­ding dress, there is no higher priv­i­lege. Beat­rice 2012 has options for every Tem­per­ley Bride — for the deca­dent church wed­dings, the bare­foot beach bride, to the mod­ern city hall affair. Each dress has to be the per­fect blend of func­tion­al­ity and fan­tasy; a bride must never feel over­whelmed by her dress but allow them to be the ulti­mate ver­sion of them­selves.’ Alice Tem­per­ley, MBE

Bridal is the fastest grow­ing area of Tem­per­ley Lon­don, now pro­duc­ing two full col­lec­tions a year includ­ing retail and whole­sale collections.

The Tem­per­ley Bridal line evolved after Alice’s own wed­ding in 2002 to Lars von Ben­nigsen when she received many requests from friends to also cre­ate
their wed­ding gowns. Celebrity clients include Milla Jovovich, Lib­erty Ross, Jacquetta Wheeler and Sophie Dahl.

Sorry… but my con­science would like to chip in. 

 I have a ques­tion for you. As I scrolled through the press release I did a dou­ble take at the words “rab­bit fur”. When­ever I see fur acces­sories, those gor­geous white shrugs for exam­ple, I assume they’re fake. So I write this blog post with my own reservations.

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Tem­per­ley fur acces­sories… just how big were those bunnies?

The dresses are beau­ti­ful — but if Tem­per­ley didn’t use real rab­bit fur in their acces­sories I’d feel more com­fort­able and enthu­si­as­tic about rec­om­mend­ing the brand. Is fur widely used in the wed­ding indus­try? I don’t know, but I’d like to find out.

More blog­ger reviews of the Tem­per­ley Bridal 2012 col­lec­tion (some men­tion­ing but not com­ment­ing on the rab­bit fur… is it just me?)

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