Welcome to Cambria Hebert’s weekly meme Tell Me Something Tuesday where she asks you something and you tell her the answer!! It’s as simple as that!What is the saddest book you haveever read?This question isn’t one I can really answer because I have read a ton ofsad books. My favorite author, Lurlene McDaniel always writes stories that pullat my heart and inevitably make me try. They are awesome stories and greatreads but tend to be sad. There are just tons of books, Hunger Games, HarryPotter, Angels Trilogy, Kissed by An Angel, The last song and the list goes onand on. I love a good story and if I can connect to it deeply enough that itmakes me sad and I cry that is an awesome book. I’m not saying I like cryingbut I don’t stop reading because it gets sad. I love that it is touching myheart that much. I’m telling you, if you are not afraid to cry over a greatbook read something by Lurlene McDaniel. She changed my life with her books.
Books Magazine
Welcome to Cambria Hebert’s weekly meme Tell Me Something Tuesday where she asks you something and you tell her the answer!! It’s as simple as that!What is the saddest book you haveever read?This question isn’t one I can really answer because I have read a ton ofsad books. My favorite author, Lurlene McDaniel always writes stories that pullat my heart and inevitably make me try. They are awesome stories and greatreads but tend to be sad. There are just tons of books, Hunger Games, HarryPotter, Angels Trilogy, Kissed by An Angel, The last song and the list goes onand on. I love a good story and if I can connect to it deeply enough that itmakes me sad and I cry that is an awesome book. I’m not saying I like cryingbut I don’t stop reading because it gets sad. I love that it is touching myheart that much. I’m telling you, if you are not afraid to cry over a greatbook read something by Lurlene McDaniel. She changed my life with her books.