Books Magazine
Welcome to Cambria Hebert’s weekly meme Tell Me Something Tuesday where she asks you something andyou tell her the answer!! It’s as simple as that!
What is your favorite genre to read and why?My favoritegenre is Young Adult and to narrow that down even more I would have to sayYoung Adult Fantasy. I love reading about magical worlds that are far from howreality is. I love Werewolves and Vampires and all kinds of other fun creaturesand magic and really anything that is fantasy. I read adult books also but Imostly stick to young adult. There are just so many great books that are fun toread. I have been reading YA books since I got obsessed with reading and justnever grew out of it. There are quite a few adult books and series I love also,which are mostly Fantasy books but tend to find way more books that interest mein YA. I love the stories and can usually relate to whatever YA book I’mreading in some way or another. The past few years the YA genre has grown aton. When I used to shop for books there were only a couple shelves of books inthe store if that. Now there is usually a large section with a couple rows atleast devoted to YA. It is amazing and I love it. It is hard to describeexactly how much I love YA and why, I just do. The amazing books I find justcontinue to make me want to read.
What is yourfavorite genre to read?