Current Magazine

Ted Cruz 10% Ahead Of Trump In Iowa Poll

By Nottheworstnews @NotTheWorstNews

CNN reports that Ted Cruz has pulled ahead of Donald Trump by 10% in an Iowa poll.

3 Candidates We’d Like To See Lead Iowa Next

  1. Those guys who lost their Iowa potato truck in those potato commercials. Losing a potato truck still = more competent than losing the Trump Plaza in Atlantic City.
  2. The Potato Truck from said commercials.  Potato truck = definitely less scary than Ted Cruz.
  3. The Maytag repairman. Did you know Maytag was an Iowa company? Accordingly, we would like to see someone lead who has an actual plan to fix anything they think is broken.  You’d never hear the Maytag repairman say “I have a secret way to repair the economy or your washing machine that keeps eating your socks.”

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