Entertainment Magazine

Tebey – Mason Jar Session – When The Buzz Wears Off

Posted on the 21 September 2015 by Hendrik Pape @soundcheckblg

A couple weeks back we hopped on the bus with Tebey and the boys and went down to tape a Mason Jar Session down in Harrow, Ontario before he hit the stage to Headline the night at the fair. For those of you that haven't had the chance to catch Tebey live we highly suggest you get to a show on his upcoming Three's A Party Tour with Jason Blaine and US Singer / Songwriter James Otto. Here is a bus side rendition of When The Buzz Wears Off performed by the very talented Tebey.

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Tebey – Mason Jar Session – When The Buzz Wears Off

Well if your reading this you must really be bored... So I was born and raised in a small town and have a thirst for good Canadian Whiskey and amazing Country Music.

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