This is the perfect dish to put in the oven for a few hours and let it simmer. I made it on Sunday and it simmered away while we were out. Using whole chicken legs really flavours the sauce, just before serving I shread all the meat off the bones and put it back into the casserole. The lightly scented pilaf rice is the perfect accompaniment. I’d made such a large pot of this, that there was plenty leftover. My husband added peas and topped it with mash for dinner the next day.
For this dish you’ll need:
♡ 4 large chicken legs
♡ 2 spanish onions, halved and sliced
♡ 1 pack of chestnut mushrooms, sliced
♡ 1 tsp dried tarragon
♡ half bottle of white wine
♡ 200ml chicken stock
♡ 50ml single cream
♡ 2 cups of basmati rice
♡ 3 cardamon pods
♡ 1 cinnamon stick
♡ pinch of saffron
♡ slice of lemon peel
♡ 100g toasted flaked almonds
To start turn your oven on to 160° and put a non-stick saucepan on your hob. Turn the heat up full blast and add two tablespoons of olive oil. When the oil starts to smoke add your first two chicken legs, skin side down. Sprinkle some salt and pepper over the chicken and fry for approx 4 minutes until the skin is golden and crispy. Turn over and fry for a further 3 minutes or so.
Remove from the pan and set aside while you fry off the other two legs in the same way. Once done add the onions and half the mushrooms to the paan and fry off. Don’t add any salt or pepper, salt will make the onions sweat instead of frying. You want the onions to caramelise a little. It’ll add to the flavor. Add the tarragon and fry a little longer. Add the chicken back in and pour in the wine. Cook for about 5 minutes, allowing the wine to bubble as hard as possible. Add the chicken stock, clamp on a lid and put into the oven. Ideally you’d leave this about 3 hours.
About 45 minutes before your ready to eat put the rice into a saucepan. Add another 2 tablespoons of oil, along with some salt and pepper. Pour over 3 cups of water. I know cups are an american measure, but for rice I use a small cappuccino cup. Use the same cup to measure both the water and the rice so you get the ratios correct. Add the cardamon, cinnamon, lemon peel, saffron along with a knob of butter.
Put on high heat until it comes to the boil. Turn down to a medium heat and simmer until all the water is absorbed. Do all of this with the lid off. When the water is all absorbed, take off the heat and clamp a lid on the rice. Set aside and put a frying pan on a medium heat. Don’t add any oil or fat and when the pan is hot, put the almonds in the pan. Shake about until the almonds start to slightly brown. Don’t take your eyes off them as they will burn easily and keep them moving so one side doesn’t burn. Put into a bowl and return the pan to the heat with a small amount of oil and butter. Fry off the remaining mushrooms until golden brown.
Take the casserole out of the oven and remove all the chicken from the bone. Remove the skin also. Put the chicken back into the casserole and stir. Use a fork to flake up the rice and add half the almonds. Turn out onto a serving dish and sprinkle the remaining almonds over the top. Serve with whatever veggies you like, I think greens are best.