Destinations Magazine

Tall Poppy Syndrome - Why Do We Want to Hurt Each Other?

By Sweetapple19 @sweetappleyard

Tall Poppy Syndrome - why do we want to hurt each other?
Tall poppy syndrome (TPS) is a pejorative term primarily used in the UK, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and other Anglosphere nations to describe a social phenomenon in which people of genuine merit are resented, attacked, cut down, or criticised because their talents or achievements elevate them above or distinguish them from their peers. - Wikipedia.

Dear People,
Now that I am spending much more time on social media and blogs etc, I have noticed a phenomenon that astounds and upsets me. There are some (sadly, many) in the world who feel the need to forcefully drag others off their perch with nasty comments. There are a few reasons that this makes me sad for our future.
Firstly, tall poppy syndrome breeds fear.
That means that people in the world who may not have the thickest skin, will be too afraid to reach. Too fearful that they will be the target of cruelty. And these sensitive, probably incredibly talented, souls will retreat back into their cave of inadequacy. It’s safe there. There, they only have to contend with their own demons, not those armed with a computer keyboard. 
Secondly, the world will have less art, as people will be afraid to create. Afraid to put their souls on paper (and the net). Scared of that anonymous commenter who will rip them apart in an attempt to pacify their own self-loathing.
My third worry is for us. We are our future. We know our generation better than anyone and if we are too afraid to observe and write about what we see, what needs to change, what we could do better, then we will become very ill-informed mothers/fathers/leaders. We will become sheep.
Lastly, as I don’t want to go on (and I could go on), we will feed the idea that it is not ok to love yourself, back yourself, or promote yourself. Can you imagine a world in which we don’t believe in ourselves? We will lose all the magic.
In short, this world will get a little less colourful. And I don’t know about you, but I like to live amongst the rainbows.
So why do people feel the need to do this? In my opinion, it is because they see their own failings mirrored back at them in another’s success. This creates a bitter pool of resentment welling inside them. Why not me?
I am yet to be a target of negative commenting, as my blog is not big enough. I’m sure one day I will be, but for now, I have something to say to those people. The ones with the lasso – swinging for the ankles of those with their heads in the clouds…
Hello anonymous
The rest of us, we are fine with the fact that you prefer to sit in your safe existence. We don’t mind that you don’t have ambition, that is your right. We are not bothered that you hate the world- although this makes us sad for you.
But do us a favour if you will. When you see that person, reaching for the stars. That person with their arse on the line, risking failure or embarrassment. That person who is out there trying to make a name for themselves, trying to be somebody, or expressing themselves…just pause.
You can hate us and want to cut us down. Go ahead and put my face on a dartboard for all I care and go for bulls-eye. But for the love of god, would you kindly just shut the fuck up.
Sweet Apple xox

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