I like going to the pub. I like listening to people talk about epic adventures. So when people talk about inspiring adventure in a pub then I am all over it.
I was delighted to speak at one of the Tales of Adventure nights back in October, banging on about running across the USA. I do like banging on. While there I heard the organiser of the show Chris Martin (no not that one) speak about one of his epic rows across the Atlantic (the long way). The bit I remember most was when they ran out of food with three days remaining and had a Big Mac choppered into them. It was a great night to hear what others get up to and for not much more than the price of a pint.
So at the George on Fleet Street I went to another show, mainly to see Mimi Anderson in action but also to hear from others. Most are not about running, apparently there are other ways of having adventure out there and this is a great way to hear about them.
First up was Matthew Traver. He went on a long horse trek through some stunning landscapes in Mongolia. It was really interesting listening to how he dealt with the horses, managed some of the extreme temperatures and mountains and got along with the locals. It seemed amazing that a guy from the UK could head over into the middle of Mongolia to trek and be recieved and well looked after by the Nomads in the fairly barren landscape. There are some wonderful photos of this and other expeditions on Matthew's website so I recommend having a look there.
He also witnessed Eagle hunting which looked amazing. I found a great video here.
Next up was Charlie Pitcher who was planning on a record breaking solo rowing trip across the Atlantic. He was currently waiting in Gran Canaria for a window to start and from then he was off on what hopes to be a 40 day 3000 mile self supported row across the ocean. He has possibly the lightest boat ever used for such a thing (74KG, weighing less than me) and will be taking less stuff with him than Gemma does for a weekend in Leicester. Again he has a great website and will be having a live stream of his progress. Have a look and wish him good luck.
Lastly but certainly not leastly was may favorite crazy ultra running Grandma - Mimi Anderson. I am sure she needs no introduction here and she is to be my partner in crime for a couple of silly runs later in the year. It is always great to hear her talk about some of the amazing stuff that she has done, tought races, world records, wins and the occasional tantrum :) She has done it all and more. In this presentation she focused on her record breaking John O'Groats to Lands End run, covering nearly 900 miles in just over 12 days. Next was the Yukon 6633 race in the Arctic Circle which she won in a hitherto unbeaten time and finally she spoke about the Jungle Marathon that she completed last year.
Always great to here from a fellow runner and a great night overall.
These events are held monthly on Thursdays in London (and also in Edinburgh and Melbourne). I recommend checking them out, next up are talks from Sam Jones, a nature journalist who will be speaking about a recent trip to Borneo. Also will be Jen Bradley who I am sure you are familair with talking about her 3300 mile run across America last year.
And if you have any adventure you want to share or know anyone who does then I am sure Chris will be delighted to hear from you. See you there.
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