“Two roads diverged in a wood, and I — I…” well, unfortunately, I took the one more traveled by at that time.
But, being the optimist I am, I see that after several decades of wandering, this path has led me to a new adventure.

…and I am fearlessly taking it all in. I hope it will indeed make all the difference.
Maybe it’s that I feel I have all this angry white water, and I need a bridge under which to wash it away…or maybe I was just meant to end up by flowing water that the dry roads were unable to afford me back then, in my youth.
Being that I cannot return to that fork-in-the-road moment of young adulthood, I am thankful to see that middle-aged life offers spontaneous escape routes and serendipitous opportunities for adventure even when I thought I had missed the big picture.
So I might end up a drowned rat, but I hope this new life proves a swift and fluid escape from the drudgery and tedium I have lived by so far.
Maybe it is necessary for one to be forced out of security and to face her fears so that she will close her jaded eyes and trust herself — where she is left with no other choice but to walk across a precarious bridge, all in order to realize in her heart that what she was living was stifling, suffocating, and sadly predictable. Who knew I had it in me to leave the safer paths behind altogether?
Here’s to change and walking the bridge with eyes closed, using only intuition from here on out.
Here’s to the conscious decision to live the second half of a lifetime to its fullest. Why did I ever believe the hopeless path of least resistance that I originally chose would stretch into forever? Shame on me.
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