The City of Light
We love Paris. Next to our home metropolis of New York, it just might be our favorite city in the world. And having been here on two previous occasions, we felt no pressure to check things off a to-do list this time around. In fact, with everything there is to do here, our list was surprisingly empty.

Inside Notre Dame de Paris
We sauntered over to Notre Dame and perused the interior for free. We contemplated the long line and the price to climb the towers and gawk at gargoyles but decided against it.

The Louvre at Night
The Louvre? It’s rare for us to pass up a day in a museum. And the Louvre is no ordinary museum. But we’ve been there before, twice, and again – the crowds. Ugh.
We did make it to the d’Orsey and the Musee Rodin, and we’re glad we did. But mostly we spent our time in Paris wandering around the lovely streets content to just be there.

The Garden at Musee Rodin
Not exactly as tourists. Not at all as locals. This was something else. We were just comfortable and happy to be in one of the best cities on earth and felt no pressure to do anything in particular. It was almost like being at home, because in a way, we were.