Gaming Magazine

Sweet Fruit Ninja-2, Delivers Big Update On May 24th

Posted on the 23 May 2012 by Hpmurah2u @hpmurah2u

Sweet Fruit Ninja-2, Delivers Big Update On May 24th Halfbrick has successfully become one of the developers of the game / application is well known, partly because besutannya game called Fruit Ninja. Now the game that almost reached the age of 2 years will present a number of updates that is claimed to be the biggest update for this Fruit Ninja. Coincide with the birthday of Fruit Ninja is celebrated on May 24, the user IOS device will be first assigned to the update. As for the other OS like Android and Windows Phone will follow later. Some new features that will be present include: Starfruit, Gutsu's Cart, Deflect Bomb, Blasts Berry, and Peachy Time. More details, see the video trailer below: via Ubergizmo

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