Hair & Beauty Magazine

Swatch & Review: A-England Princess Tears Holographic Polish

By Makeupchicliterarygeek @DoriaJM
Oh. My. Gosh. I'm still so excited to write this post! I purchased Princess Tears from A-England's (my new favorite UK indie polish company) new collection--The Legend--which follows A-England's gorgeous The Mythicals collection (see my swatches of Tristam and Avalon HERE). I purchased Princess Tears because it called to me immediately, but it was a tough choice and took a great deal of self-control not to order the rest! See for yourself why I'm so excited, but be warned, I went a little picture happy with this polish! ;)

Swatch & Review: A-England Princess Tears Holographic Polish

A-England Princess Tears is a gorgeous lavender infused with amazing holographic flecks. I wanted to catch a picture of the polish's base color so that you can see that it is a really gorgeous lavender, holographic flecks aside.

Swatch & Review: A-England Princess Tears Holographic Polish

Hereyou can begin to see a touch of the amazing holographic glow. Ironically, this is even better on your nails than it is in the bottle--not something you often see in polishes!

Swatch & Review: A-England Princess Tears Holographic Polish

The Holographic Hum of Princess Tears
I took a million pictures of this polish on my nails and couldn't decide between the best of the shots I captured, so you get to see quite a few!

Swatch & Review: A-England Princess Tears Holographic Polish

I love that the A-England polishes I've swatched so far have all been identical on my nails when compared to the bottle. Love that!

Swatch & Review: A-England Princess Tears Holographic Polish

Here's my first close up. You can really see that holographic effect here.

Swatch & Review: A-England Princess Tears Holographic Polish

There is so much depth and diversity to this polish--I love it! And you can still see that beautiful lavender towards the tip of my nail.

Swatch & Review: A-England Princess Tears Holographic Polish

There are no words!

Swatch & Review: A-England Princess Tears Holographic Polish

Amazing, simply amazing!

Color description
As I mentioned above, A-England Princess Tears is a lovely lavender infused with crazy holographic flecks.
This applied like a dream, just like the other A-England polishes I swatched earlier (see link at top of post). The amount of control this polish lends is phenomenal and it dries quickly to boot! I found that the best way to achieve the most obvious holographic effect on my nails was to do thinner coats. I tested this out by doing one hand with thing coats and one hand with thick coats. The hand with the thinner coats had a tad more of a holographic effect, but both were gorgeous! I swear, the second you start swiping this on it looks as though you're painting your nails in lavender diamond dust--so gorgeous!
A-England's The Legend Collection is priced at £9, which converts to about $14.15 as of the time of this post. Obviously conversion rates between currencies changes fairly frequently, but for right now it seems to be dipping up and down around $1.50 to £1. Don't forget, shipping with A-England is free worldwide, so that least those of us in the US don't have to factor that in as well!
Where to Buy
A-England polishes can be purchased on the company's site at
Final Thoughts
Can you tell I'm completely enamored by A-England? I absolutely adore unique indies and when their performance is superior to even the largest mainstream companies, it makes me so happy! This polish is even more amazing than I could have imagined and I absolutely and wholeheartedly encourage you guys to check out A-England, the polishes will blow your socks off! I love that this collection is a breath of fresh air from all of the neutrals we're seeing this Spring. I love neutrals, but I can only take so many pastels and neutrals of the same shades before I get lulled into a coma and move on! This is a truly unique nail polish collection--and it was created by a UK indie!
I have to get the rest of The Legend Collection now. My favorites, aside from Princess Tears, are Order of the Garter (cannot live without this), St. George, Dragon, and Ascalon. I love Bridal Veil as well! Princess Sabra is the only color of the collection that isn't really my taste, though it's beautiful!
What do you think? Or have I already lost you to A-England's site? ;) 

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