For anyone who saw the ‘DIS’ campaign or participated, this survey is critical. It is not only about the campaign and advertising ‘wins’ or ‘loses’.
It is about getting the correct information about eating disorders out to the public, sufferers, medical professionals and making sure the EDucate is clear and not ambiguous.
Eating disorders are NOT body image developed. 60-80% of all ED’s are genetic/biology based and this is being proven as more research is done, and the percentage pointing to genes rises. The remaining percentage is then a mix of many complex issues of which body image is ONLY ONE of these.
Most sufferers will say body image is the reason for their ED. In most cases the ED thinking and behavior is ALREADY in residence in the brain and body image is a symptom not a cause.
The same goes for the ‘diet’ caused my ED. By the time the diet choices start the ED is already in residence in the brain. Again the diet choices are a symptom not the cause.
Please take the time to complete the survey and make a start to build better communication and collaboration with Butterfly so we can better diagnose, intervene, treat and care for sufferers.