Lifestyle Magazine

Sunsets, Bubbles and a Motorbike: Destination Wedding in Spain

By Claire

Emily and Gavin were legally mar­ried at a reg­istry office in the UK before head­ing for Spain with friends and fam­ily to cel­e­brate in the sum­mer sun­shine. Their wed­ding cer­e­mony was in the evening, with cel­e­bra­tions con­tin­u­ing into the early hours.

Spanish wedding images by Alexis Jaworski (2)

Emily’s words of wis­dom are beau­ti­fully said: “Brides — stop wor­ry­ing about silly lit­tle things, they end up not being very impor­tant when you’re there expe­ri­enc­ing your spe­cial moment!

Read the full wed­ding story about halfway down this blog post, and enjoy the images by the very lovely Berk­shire wed­ding pho­tog­ra­pher Alexis Jaworski. Claire xxx

Spanish wedding images by Alexis Jaworski (3)

A beau­ti­ful real wed­ding in Spain — Emily and Gavin

Spanish wedding images by Alexis Jaworski (4)

Spanish wedding images by Alexis Jaworski (5)

Spanish wedding images by Alexis Jaworski (6)

Spanish wedding images by Alexis Jaworski (7)

Spanish wedding images by Alexis Jaworski (8)

Wed­ding venue

Tor­res De San Juan, Nerja, Spain.

Wed­ding photographer:

Alexis Jaworski

How would you describe your wed­ding style?

Ele­gant & sim­ple with Span­ish twist!

A lit­tle about the wed­ding ceremony:

A very sim­ple pri­vate ‘legal’ reg­istry sign­ing with only us & two wit­nesses (bride’s par­ents) a week before fly­ing to Spain for the for­mal full wed­ding bless­ing which in our eyes was our wed­ding day!

It was an Eng­lish vicar who lead the local Nerja Church of Eng­land ser­vices. It was very hot in July so with Span­ish tra­di­tion we started the cer­e­mony in the evening at 7pm.

We had a Span­ish gui­tarist & canapés, cham­pagne on arrival etc. The wed­ding was at a roof top venue over­look­ing the Span­ish vil­lage of Nerja with sea & moun­tain views.

Our for­mal sit down din­ner was around 8.30pm with a typ­i­cal Span­ish four course menu, and a disco below the pool (same vicin­ity) from 10.30– 4am. We had a local Eng­lish DJ, who played every­thing from rat pack to pop to 50’s medleys!

Which read­ings did you choose?

The read­ing on ‘mar­riage’, a ser­mon was cho­sen and read by the vicar & a son­net was writ­ten & read by my brother.

Tell us a lit­tle about your wed­ding venue styling and details:

We had an out­side cer­e­mony with 70 chairs fac­ing the sea view & an arch of white chif­fon, white lilies & roses. Inside we had white crisp tables, orange rose cen­tre­pieces, and crys­tals scat­tered on all the tables. For favours the women had stone bracelets & men had sil­ver dragees choco­lates in a paper coor­di­nated cone.

Invi­ta­tions and recep­tion stationery:

Our invi­ta­tions were designed by myself & we had them printed at a local print­ers. We used our own dec­o­ra­tions with sim­ple white rib­bon & crystals.

Spanish wedding images by Alexis Jaworski (9)

Spanish wedding images by Alexis Jaworski (10)

Spanish wedding images by Alexis Jaworski (11)

Spanish wedding images by Alexis Jaworski (12)

Spanish wedding images by Alexis Jaworski (13)

Spanish wedding images by Alexis Jaworski (14)

Spanish wedding images by Alexis Jaworski (15)

Wed­ding music and entertainment:

Span­ish gui­tarist, Local DJ, and our own choice of tracks on CD for walk­ing down for the ceremony.

What did you wear?

Gavin, best man, usher & father of the bride wore match­ing ecru Ital­ian M&S fit­ted suits, which were half cot­ton, half linen. The groom wore an orange skinny tie, the rest wore ivory skinny ties.

The bride wore a lace fit­ted strap­less des­ti­na­tion type dress with a long lace see through train. The gown was a strap­less style with sweet heart neck­line & Vic­to­rian but­tons run­ning down the back. Emily also wore a side encrusted hair piece and ivory satin sling back peep toe heels. Sin­gle Pearl drop neck­lace, dia­mond & pearl drop earrings.

Mem­o­rable wed­ding day moments:

Walk­ing on to the roof top with my father to his favorite song by Kenny G. The pho­tos being taken up on the tower at the venue while the sun was set­ting — it was magical.

Wed­ding day advice:

Savour every sin­gle moment as the next day it will all feel like a dream!!!

Oh and brides:  stop wor­ry­ing about silly lit­tle things, they end up not being very impor­tant when you’re there expe­ri­enc­ing your spe­cial moment!!

More rec­om­mended wed­ding suppliers:

Horsell bridal room. Beau­ti­ful dresses, very help­ful & friendly!!

With thanks to Berk­shire wed­ding pho­tog­ra­pher  Alexis Jaworski for shar­ing this fab­u­lous des­ti­na­tion wed­ding on the Eng­lish Wed­ding Blog!

Spanish wedding images by Alexis Jaworski (16)

Spanish wedding images by Alexis Jaworski (17)

Spanish wedding images by Alexis Jaworski (18)

Spanish wedding images by Alexis Jaworski (19)

Spanish wedding images by Alexis Jaworski (20)

Spanish wedding images by Alexis Jaworski (21)

Spanish wedding images by Alexis Jaworski (22)

Spanish wedding images by Alexis Jaworski (23)

Spanish wedding images by Alexis Jaworski (24)

Spanish wedding images by Alexis Jaworski (25)

Spanish wedding images by Alexis Jaworski (26)

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