Outdoors Magazine

Sunset on New Bridge

By Everywhereonce @BWandering
Shannon on New Bridge, Ronda, Spain

Shannon and Puente Nuevo in Ronda, Spain

One of the easy things to love about the world outside the U.S. is how old everything is in comparison. We Americans date our existence as a nation to the year 1776. A lot has happened since then.

But last night in Spain we stood on a bridge that spans the El Tajo canyon and connects the original city of Ronda to its newer portions. Construction of this bridge, not-at-all ironically named Puente Nuevo (New Bridge), began in 1751.

Of course the city itself was first settled by the Celts in the 6th Century B.C., making Puente Nuevo incredibly new by Ronda’s standards, even if it seems quite old by ours.

Sunset on New Bridge (Puente Nuevo), Ronda, Spain

Impressive Puente Nuevo towers 120 meters (390 ft) above the canyon floor.


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