I hope everyone is having a great Holiday weekend so far! We have been gorging on food, watching football, shopping & just hanging out as a family. Did you score any great Black Friday deals?
This week’s Sunday Social questions are all about favorites.
1. What is your favorite ice cream flavor?
Best invention ever! I LOVE cookie dough anything so this is just perfect!
Have you seen their new Scotchy Scotch Scotch flavor?!
2. What is your favorite smell?
The smell of library books, but I am also obsessed with Yankee Candle’s Whiskers on Kittens right now. Permanent markers & rubber cement are honorable mentions. To quote a friend of mine: “If it didn’t kill brain cells, I would huff.”
Have you smelled this yet?
3. What is your favorite TV commercial? (Past or present)
Cracks me up every time!!
I also love the Old Spice, Sonic, AT&T with the kids & MOTO X Lazy Phone Commercials.
4. What is your favorite day of the week?
Thursday! It seems to be a little bit calmer & there’s always great TV on.
5. What is your favorite way to waste time?
Surfing the following in no particular order:
6. What is your favorite article of clothing?
Yoga pants! They are super comfy & no one can ever tell if you are just wearing them or if you came from the gym.