{Don’t forget to enter the 3 Giveaways I’m participating in right now here///here///& here. }
I hope everyone has had a FAB weekend so far! Happy Father’s Day to all of the Dads & Dads-to-be out there! Unfortunately, my Baby Daddy {as I affectionately call my husband} has to work, so I’ll have to do something really special for him on our vacation next week.
Time for Sunday Social!
1. What is your biggest driving pet peeve?
Slowing down to turn without a blinker. Oh the profanity that comes out of my mouth! I get more irritated now than ever when my Princess is in the car.
2. Biggest Blogging pet peeve?
Everyone’s comment forms are different. I always dread when I have to comment using one of the 2 Google accounts I had to create so I wouldn’t be a “No-Reply Blogger.” One of the downfalls of being a WordPress user. Hayley at A Beautiful Exchange has a great list too.
3. Biggest general pet peeve?
Leaving dirty dishes in the sink when the dishwasher is empty & infants without socks & hats during the Winter.
4. What is your most irrational fear?
At this point, I don’t have any they’re all pretty rational. I’m pretty sure we have several hospital visits in our future with my daredevil Princess who won’t listen.
5. 3 celebrities you’d want to have dinner with?
Ryan Reynolds because he’s sexayyyy & the Hubster loves his movies.
You go Blake Lively!!
Luke Bryan because he’s sexayyy & can sing.
Blake Shelton because he’s hilarious!
What are your pet peeves?
What celebs would you want to eat dinner with?
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