Family Magazine

Sunday Snaps & Ramblings!

By Ourbabyblog @OurBabyBlogx
Hello all! Hope you are all having a great weekend! It was Ben's weekend off so we spent quality time together as a family, being silly and having fun! We are going out during the week to do an Autumn Photoshoot, wellies, coats & cuteness, plus we will be recording a video of behind the scenes too which is exciting! We have sorted out the camcorder so have lots of videos coming up over the winter!

I headed off to the local Artisan market on Saturday, full of amazing shabby chic and vintage items that are far too expensive but window shopping never hurts anyone! :) whilst Ben and Abbie spent some time together, just the two of them, he took her into work to show her off & She woke up at 8am this morning, seems like yesterday I complained about her waking up at 5.30am-6am, she was an early bird as a baby but we make sure to wear her out in the day so she sleeps better through the night! It works! Oh, I bought her some Christmas presents the other day, I was kinda logical with them & got things she can use now and for a good few years too, I'm a bargain hunter so everything I got only summed up to £40! She loves her books so got her quite a few of those and also some flash cards now she's learning & talking lots!Anyway, I'm rambling now, here are some pictures taken this week, enjoy :)x

Sunday Snaps & Ramblings!
Sunday Snaps & Ramblings!
Sunday Snaps & Ramblings!
Sunday Snaps & Ramblings!
Sunday Snaps & Ramblings!
Sunday Snaps & Ramblings!
Sunday Snaps & Ramblings!
Sunday Snaps & Ramblings!
Sunday Snaps & Ramblings!
Sunday Snaps & Ramblings!
Sunday Snaps & Ramblings!
Sunday Snaps & Ramblings!
Sunday Snaps & Ramblings!
Sunday Snaps & Ramblings!

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