Happy Sunday! Sunday Salon is hosted by Deb at ReaderBuzz. Check out her post and the links to see what other bloggers have been up to in the last week.

How's the weather?
We jumped into summer heat and humidity last week. Also, the plantain has started pollinating, making it pretty miserable to be outside if you're sensitive. I've got an early morning walk scheduled with a friend today, which is one way to beat the heat and still get some exercise.
What are you reading?
I'm continuing my project to read Alexis Hall's books for Pride Month. I finished Boyfriend Material and immediately started reading the sequel Husband Material. I laugh out loud at the dialogue, except the jokes that go over my head because I wasn't a British teenager in the 90s.
What are you watching?
Netflix added the first three Airport movies to their streaming service recently. I'm sure we weren't the only people to make a binge of that. The fun is in the nostalgia of when air travel was glamorous and in seeing the actors from our childhood. Airport, Airport 1975, and Airport '77 have huge casts. There's a game to play - spot the Golden Age Hollywood actress. Helen Hayes won the Academy Award for Best Supporting Actress for her performance in Airport. These are not great movies, but they are fun to watch.
For some reason, Netflix isn't offering the fourth movie in the series, The Concorde ... Airport '79. The library has a DVD set with all four movies. I requested that so that we could see the fourth one.
What are you doing?
I visited two Farmers Markets last week. Peak-season strawberries don't last very long around here, so I wanted to get them while they're bursting with red sweetness.
What are you writing?
I put up two book review posts:
I also got back into working on my novel. I made the rookie mistake of spending more time reading writing books than actually writing. I plan to correct that in the coming week.
How are you this fine Sunday?

About Joy Weese Moll
a librarian writing about books