Culture Magazine

Sunday Postcards: Sunshine

By Fashion Addicted Foodies @fashionfoodi


Long hot summer filled with days and days of glorious sunshine is what makes you feel that nothing is impossible. Weeks or even months of hot summer sun kissing your body on the beach, on the patio of your favorite cafe or while laying down on your own backyard in the sun lounger you dragged from the shed when the first beams of summer sun hit the grass. You want to make the most of that precious sunshine and spend all your time outdoors. That’s what summer holidays are for! Even if your summer is spent earning those pennies to fly you to an idyllic place where sun never sleeps during winter, you make sure to check out early from work and hit the wine bar, pub or cafe to catch at least some of the golden rays of sunshine. And yes, you make sure to hit only the ones with patios. Sunshine makes everything feel better – ice cream tastes sweeter, ice-cold cider is more refreshing and life is just overall better when sun is shining.


Photos: via Pinterest

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