Scandinavian Christmas is baking gingerbread cookies with the whole family. Making a gingerbread house with an individual design when you realize that not all the parts fit together. Drinking glogg next a roaring fire in candlelight. Making snow angels on a freshly snow-covered ground. Taking candles to the graves of loved ones on Christmas Eve. Walking in a snowfall. Eating herring and gravad lax with sour cream. Open gifts on Christmas Eve. Going to Christmas sauna. Having time for quiet moments. Decorating the Christmas tree on Christmas Eve with red, gold and green balls. Listening to Christmas songs. Time spent with family and friends on Christmas Eve. Snuggling with a fluffy blanket and a good book on Christmas Day. Taking a long walk with your dog on Boxing Day. Ice skating on a frozen pond. Eating chocolates and green marmalade balls. Having candles on each windowsill. Making Christmas porridge on Christmas Eve morning and eating it with sugar and cinnamon. Listening to the traditional Christmas speech from Turku at 12pm on Christmas Eve and having a glass of steaming glogg afterwards. Listening to the laughter of children. Feeling joy. Walking in snow up to your knees. Feeling relaxed. Being traditional. Scandinavian Christmas is simple, rustic and full of happiness.
Hyvää Joulua!
God Jul!
Photos: via Pinterest