Why does everything look so much nicer when you put a bow on it? Like a sleeve is just a sleeve. But when you put a bow on it, it suddenly becomes a sleeve that has a purpose other than being just a plain sleeve. It’s there to be admired, to be gawked and to be wanted. It makes you suddenly realize that you desperately need that sleeve with a bow in your life.
You give somebody a bar of soap for a present and they look at it and go hey, thanks – it’s a soap. But when you tie a bow on that bar of soap and give it to somebody when they look at it they go wow, thanks – that’s a pretty soap – I did not realize I actually need this soap in my life – aww, you got this for me. The bow on it tells them that you were thinking of them when you got it. It matters. The bow makes it special. It makes it a gift with a thought behind it.
Why is that? I don’t have a clue, but I would like to put a bow on that thought…

Photos: via Pinterest