Food & Drink Magazine

Sunday Pasta

By Chocolateandoranges
I got a veggie box delivered on the day I got back from vacation this week to avoid a trip to the grocery store on the way home (which turned out to be an excellent idea - I definitely wasn't in the mood to shop and wanted to get home as quick as possible).  One of the things in there was swiss chard which I've never cooked and I always think I really ought to - so I figured this was my opportunity.  
It's languished in my fridge since mid-week making me feel guilty with every meal I've ignored it.  So today I finally got down to business.  Basically, I googled every chard recipe I could find and took the ideas I liked.  Sadly, my three favorite cookbooks didn't even have it listed in the index which about make me abandon the whole thing and steam it for salad greens.  But I perserved and came up with a delicious dinner!  I have to give credit to whole living for the ingenious idea to add raisins, they give the perfect little pop of flavor.
I originally put half the amount of the sauteed chard on top of the pasta and that's what's shown in the picture but I soon decided that I was going to want a whole lot more so I plopped the entire bunch on top.
This is my kind of recipe, super easy to make and truly delicious!  For those keeping track or wondering the bowl was about 500 calories with my portions below but the chard could be adjusted downward, just don't keep the extra too close or you'll be tempted like I was. :)
Sauteed Swiss Chard Pasta with Raisins and Pinenuts
sunday pasta

1 bunch (~275g) swiss chard, chopped1 tbsp evoo2 cloves garlic, minced2oz dry pasta
To finish (add to your taste, my measurements are below)
raisins (10g)pinenuts (6g)grated parmesan (10g) 
1.  Cook pasta as usual2.  Meanwhile, heat 1 tbsp evoo in large pot or dutch oven over medium (4) heat.  3. Add garlic to oil and cook until golden, 1-2 minutes.4. Add chard and stir ocassionally until tender (~10 minutes).  You can add water with the chard if needed but my leaves had enough excess water from washing that I didn't need to.3. Add chard to cooked pasta and finish with raisins, toasted pinenuts, and grated parmesan

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