Gardening Magazine

Summer Wedding at Gasthaus Am Boddensee

By Botanicart @botanicarthb

Hello my fellow floral enthusiasts!
After taking a little break to enjoy the wonderful weather that we had here in Berlin, I am back with the beautiful summer wedding of our sweet couple Sarina & Daniel.
It was such a nice setting overlooking the Boddensee and we used all the blooms that the summer season offered. The favorite peony with a touch of the dainty sweet pea, succulents and various garden plants….and of course lots of candles!
Thanks to the photographer duo from Mister & Misses Do, I get to share this beautiful day with you.
wedding flowers Wedding flowers Sommer Hochzeit Brautjungfern Autoschmuck Summer wedding Garden Party Summer wedding Hochzeit im Gasthaus am Boddensee Wedding flowers Hochzeitsblumen Wedding flowers Hochzeitsblumen Hochzeitsblumen Hochzeitsdekoration Pink peony Hochzeitsblumen succulent plant Bride & Groom Peony Boutonniere Bridal Bouquet Bridal BouquetWe wish Sarina & Daniel a life filled with love & happiness.
Botanic Art

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