Family Magazine

Summer Natural Remedy Round up

By Omamas @jeannjeannie

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It’s easy to go broke buying over-the-counter meds for simple summer maladies.  To be honest, in our opinion, home remedies often work better, taste better, smell better, and are safer for the littles and the world.

And today, we’ve been invited by the editor at Modern Alternative Kitchen to guest post and share some of the home remedies that we use to beat the nagging summer ailments we’ve faced this year … things like sunburn, bug bites, swimmer’s ear, BBQ bloat (aka indigestion) and the dreaded summer cold.

Click here to read the full post!

NOTE:  Modern Alternative Kitchen is dedicated to real food and traditional cooking.  It’s a place you’ll find healthy recipes, tips on ingredients, basics on kitchen supplies and techniques, food science and research, eating real food on a budget, and more!

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