For The Master Summer is a Mood
I don’t have any rules, or better, this is my rule: inspiration must been caught when it appears. Never put off positive energy that comes from Universe. It is a gift just given to us and so we must fastly catch it. So here I am my dear readers, doing a surprise for you and in sum just following my nature.It is hard to say if it comes from me or from you, I mean is my inspiration something that is already inside me or do I need some hints from outside? I guess a good answer could be that it is a mix of those two, actually are both basic things in expressing myself. Anyway I think that all of your letters have just awakened in me my poetic side. Yes, that’s true, because everyone has feelings and emotions but not everyone knows how express them.What I want to tell you is that it happens to have some thoughts or feelings which bring you different types of emotions, happiness or sadness are the most common maybe. I guess there is anything wrong in that, it is normal, your feelings are like a rollercoaster sometimes. The question is when those became a problem or you can't mange them; if those feelings for you became so bad, I still can say don’t worry, I have a good solution for you: just match those with positive ones. For example if for you the end of summer gives you nostalgy (that actually sometimes can be a good feeling too), exactly when you feel that try to motivate yourself, thinking about your goals, what you want to do, today, tomorrow, next year. Think about all the people whom you love and all of those whom love you. Try to find inspiration by nature, and as I said, learn how following your nature. I am sure that if you are able to do this type of matches, you will be good, because it is like an energy transformation. This is what you must learn to do.Even your life my dear reader is made of seasons, so you see that everything is like that. For everything there is a season even if I think that is never too late. Try discover what is your goal for this new period of your life. And even if you don’t feel to be a Sunny Lion as much as me, always remember that Summer is something that can be always inside you and that you can bring always with you.The next step would be shining on people around you during every season of the year. I guess this will came later, for now is more important at least that you can feel your Summer inside you. I know that the weather can influence you, but I think you have also understood now that My Summer has nothing to do with seasons because My Summer is a light inside and outside of me. My Summer is a Mood.