Sometimes plain water doesn’t cut it and other times an alcoholic beverage doesn’t either. Given the beautiful weather we’re having this week here are a few refreshing summer drinks that are easy to prepare and delicious to drink.
1. Iced Tea

In Summer when the weather is scorching hot drinks just don’t cut it, but what if you want that taste of tea? Well this is your answer, I use Earl Grey because that’s the tea I drink but you can use whatever you like.
You’ll need:
1.2 litres boiling water
6 Earl Grey Tea bags
10 Mint sprigs
2 tbsp caster sugar
3 large oranges, squeezed
1 lemon, squeezed
Bring the water to the boil and as soon as it’s at boiling point add to a jug along with the tea bags, sugar and mint. Give it a good stir and allow to brew for 10 minutes. Strain and allow to cool completely, I put it in the fridge overnight. When your ready to drink it, juice the lemon and oranges and add to the tea. Give it a good stir and add some sliced lemons and plenty of ice. Enjoy!
2. Grapefruit Lemonade

4 large pink grapefruits, squeezed
2 lemons, squeezed
100g caster sugar
1.5 litres sparkling water
This is so simple and if you wanted you could replace the grapefruits with all lemons or any citrus fruit. Ideally though it would be a tart tasting citrus fruit like grapefruits or lemons rather than oranges, but that’s up to you! Add the fruit juice and sugar to a saucepan and heat gently. Allow to simmer gently until all the sugar has dissolved. Allow to cool completely and add the water to taste, you may like it stronger or weaker than I’ve make here. You can also make a batch of this minus the sparkling water in the fridge and just use as you need like a cordial.
3. Elderflower Tonic

I love tonic water and I love the floral note that the elderflower gives. Fill a glass with ice and a couple of thin slices of lemon. Pour in the tonic water and add a dash of elderflower to finish. Stir well and enjoy!
4. Iced Coffee
I haven’t yet tried this one yet but it’s on the cards because of a special request by my husband. I’m still researching a homemade version of this and most recommend cold pressing the coffee which is using cold water instead of cold. You’ll need a French press and just add your regular number of spoonful’s to the jug and fill with coffee. Put the top on but don’t push the plunger. Put in the fridge overnight. When you want to drink it, fill a glass with ice pour in the coffee and top with ice cold milk. Let me know if you try it before I do. x