Business Magazine

Successful Startup Step 1: The Heart of Your New Business

By Lindaluke @coachlindaluke

business person holding a heart

You have a great idea that inspires you and maybe even a plan, but have you made it official by putting it down on paper?  Step 1 is about solidifying your dream and stepping into the role of a business owner.

As an entrepreneur and CEO of your new venture it is important to begin by being clear and grounded in what you want to create.  This foundational work will keep you focused and help you stay true to your original vision as your business evolves.

If you are a coach, healer, or other heart-centered entrepreneur, this part of the process may come naturally to you.  It is the fun and juicy stuff on which dreams are built.  The difference here is that it will also provide guidance for you on your path to success.

Are you ready?  Here are the 7 components that make up Step 1: 

Identify Your Ideal Clients – Picture them in your mind and ask yourself what makes them special.  What characteristics do they share and why will you love working with them?  Write a description of these ideal clients.

What Challenges are They Facing? – Business is about providing solutions. In order to provide solutions you need to understand what the issues are. Bring up that picture of your ideal clients again and write about the problems they are facing, their burning needs, and what keeps them up at night.

What Solution(s) Will You Provide? – Create a list and description of the products and/or services you will offer.  Make sure they match your ideal client’s needs.

What Makes You Different? –  Research your competition and look for opportunities to add a new twist or feature to your offering that no one else provides.  You can also differentiate yourself with a catchy name, byline, or way you present yourself.  And, of course, always providing the very best customer service is a great way to stand out.

Why is This Important to You? – The real heart of your business is why this work is calling out to you.  Many of you will have very compelling stories that have led you to your new venture and some will feel a strong calling in your heart about the type of service or particular group you want to serve.  Write it all out.  Grounding in the “Why” will keep you motivated and focused as you move forward.

Create an Intention or Mission Statement – Craft a business intention or mission statement that describes what you want to stand for and deliver to the world.  Play with the wording until it is simple, powerful, and meaningful to you. I encourage you to post this where you will be working and read it as you begin each day.

Write a 5 Year Vision – Describe what you want for your business and life 5 years from now.  Write it in the first person, present tense, as if it is happening right now. Dream big and stretch your comfort zone, but keep it at least 50% believable.  Make it vivid and be sure to include how you will feel at the time.

Write a 1 Year Vision – Your 5 year vision may feel overwhelming or just a long way off.  Creating a short term vision will help you stay focused and connected to your dream in the coming year.

Some of you will move through these processes quickly and others will go deeper or keep refining them until they feel just right.  Regardless of how you approach it, once complete you will have a clear picture and feel connected to the heart of your business.

If you have questions, would like coaching support, or want to share what you wrote, I would love to hear from you.  Simply comment in the section below or email me at:

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