I wrote this post for PretAmoda.com , one of the leading websites in India, only website selling India's most coveted designers - old and new, selling pieces "in" trend and classics too.
Why wear neon?
Let’s accept the fact “neon” isn’t going to back out and will last longer. The reason might be the diversity in the colors available, and the magical reason could be each color speaks the same lingo with "different" effects. Plus it is everywhere. A few weeks ago, I tried to hide myself from neon so I could concentrate on my boring greys, browns and blacks. Guess what? I could not.
Neon was in every newsletter I received from clothes to shoes, from makeup and skincare products to watches, belts and bags. Then, there were nail paints. I know why, because neon claims that –
- It will instantly lift the mood of the outfit and outfitter.- Makes or Breaks? Let’s read it this way – it constructs and destructs and outfit. Both ways, you are the winner.- It makes you stand out of the crowd. (For more details, read 1 and 2 again.)
I might go on and on but there’s a lot to talk about. For instance –
When and How to Wear Neon??
Click here to read further!!
P.S. Pret Amoda has got my blog's name and URL wrong. ;-). Hope that will soon be corrected.
Disclaimer: To know more, please read my Disclosure Policy.

Thank you for reading!!