Lifestyle Magazine

Style Swap Tuesdays - an Open Letter to Instagram

By Saumya Shiohare @myriadmusings1
My last Instagram post addressed to Instagram- " Oh INSTAGRAM, one moment I Love you and the next moment I Hate you. đŸ™€Your algorithm changes faster than the weather. It is beyond my comprehension anymore and I am honestly done seeing the same profiles on my feed, over and over! This algorithm-fickleness of yours has left me irritated and makes me want to remind you that it is the smaller accounts who are posting hard, working hard, promoting hard ( without paying) and that is what makes you popular- not showing the same faces ( no offense to anyone ) over and over. So please stop changing if you don’t want Instagrammers temperament to change forever..... đŸ˜�" 

Agreeably, social media mainly Instagram is an integral part of a blogger's business and sustenance, but not so much that it starts to haunt you. Kid you not, the low numbers, poor engagement, almost zero comments has been giving me a serious case of heart palpitations. I am always preoccupied, just trying to figure out my next course-of-action to hike some engagement. With your ever-changing, impossible to crack algorithm, you are surely making it difficult for the medium-reach accounts to hold up. One day it is fairly good with likes hitting to a count of 150, and next day it just plummets to 45- seriously?? And talk to me about the same faces and accounts showing up on my feed repeatedly, like they are the end of the world. .........keep reading ....... open letter to Instagram, casual style, style influencer, lace top, embellished boyfriend jeans, girlfreind jeans, floral heels, myriad musings
open letter to Instagram, casual style, style influencer, lace top, embellished boyfriend jeans, girlfreind jeans, floral heels, myriad musings
open letter to Instagram, casual style, style influencer, lace top, embellished boyfriend jeans, girlfreind jeans, floral heels, myriad musings
open letter to Instagram, casual style, style influencer, lace top, embellished boyfriend jeans, girlfreind jeans, floral heels, myriad musings
open letter to Instagram, casual style, style influencer, lace top, embellished boyfriend jeans, girlfreind jeans, floral heels, myriad musings
open letter to Instagram, casual style, style influencer, lace top, embellished boyfriend jeans, girlfreind jeans, floral heels, myriad musings
open letter to Instagram, casual style, style influencer, lace top, embellished boyfriend jeans, girlfreind jeans, floral heels, myriad musings
I did not get on the Instagram bandwagon until two years after I started blogging. I used to love you Instagram- photo-sharing and reading comments was so much fun. But you are no longer fun, you are simply a time and peace sucking leech. The channel that was once a favorite of mine, gives me stress these days. I was giving so much of my time to you, that the whole dynamics of starting my blog changed. My blog suffered big time. The readership tanked coz I was focused on creating more Instagram content versus blog content. I forgot that I was a full-time blogger and not a full-time Instagrammer. The main purpose of joining Instagram was to promote my blog, but how and when YOU took center stage- I am clueless! My blog is my main platform and you are just a platform to promote my blog, but over the course of these three years I did get sucked up in this whirlpool called Instagram......but NO MORE Instagram, you've irked me enough. 'I am done and I am putting my foot down. ' This self-intervention was much needed. Life is too short, I'd rather not spend a major chunk of it on Instagram. Going forward I will post as per usual. I'll give my best and not worry about the numbers and analytics, and if YOU get some time off promoting those high-reach bloggers, then I don't mind a little you hear me INSTAGRAM ?????? 

Yours unaffectionately 

Saumya//Myriad Musings 

What are your thoughts on Instagram and its rapidly changing algorithm

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