While perusing about online I noticed several websites offer style evaluation quizzes… I love these types of quizzes because they sometimes show me things about my style that I am not aware … Being a designer who tends to focus on bringing out my client’s hidden personal style rather than imposing my own, it’s much easier at times to loose site of what I love most. Both of these are visual quizzes instead of questions so they are a lot easier to take and of course you can never fail!….Try these two quizzes and post your results here. The first one if from Stylish Home and the second one is from Home Goods.
The one from Stylish Home/ Style Maker quiz yielded these results for me:
You most resemble a “Modern Eclectic”.Details…
Pre-war, upper east side attitude. Fun, yet cosmopolitan – your style abides. .
Suspected “Modern Eclectic”
- Andy Warhol
- Scarlett Johannson
- Philip Seymour Hoffman
I can see Andy Warhol and Scarlett Johannson but I really have no idea about Phillip Seymour Hoffman’s style?
Home Goods’ Stylescope offers many more choices that I could get behind. With their assessment that my style is SASSY and a touch THE TRAVELER it made some sense…. and they picked my two favorite colors of red and turquoise! Although after going through the different styles, I think instead of traveler I might be a bit of MODERN METRO as well with a smidge of URBAN FUNK and a pinch of BOHO !
GO TAKE YOUR STYLE QUIZ NOW! I can’t wait to see what your results are…don’t forget to post them here!