I definitely prefer to do post exam resolutions, I think, being a student with exams in January makes it incredibly difficult to make and stick to New Years resolutions, and resolutions are hard enough to stick to as it is!resolutions are a weird one, I can never fully commit to them for some reason but this year I'm going to really really try. It can't be that hard...especially not with the ones I have picked this year! I always find that some people pick very unrealistic tasks that in a certain lifestyle, would obviously be very difficult to stick to, so I've tried to fit mine into my life as much as I possibly can, which I think is key to making them last and actually sticking with them! I've decided to make post-exam resolutions this year, because exams ruin absolutely everything, especially for university students, and I figured they would be ten times more likely to be stuck to if I waited until exams and boredom cravings and procrastination were over!
onego out and socialise more. I spend all of my time studying or working or sitting in bed dreading studying or working, I want to be more organised and actually get out and not feel bad about going out because I should be doing something else, I think that's a good resolution for me!
twoGo to the gym, of course. The standard resolution for anyone every year, I have my membership, so I will go. I need to go!!!!
threeRead more. I don't read enough, I get bogged down reading my compulsory texts but I'm just going to get it out of the way this semester and then read up on other things that actually interest me!
foureat actual meals. I never eat meals, I eat absolute crap and no proper food. It's a bit rubbish and I'd like to change that!
five Go to more coffee shops and drink nice tea, coffee and hot chocolate. It will be fabby, and we have loads of little coffee shops where I can go and read books in Aberdeen, so hopefully this one will be easy as pie!
Let me know what your post exam resolutions are for 2014, i would love to read about them in the comments or on your blogs! muchos love ysabellexxxxxxx