Lifestyle Magazine

{Structured Tweed}

By Whimofthesouth
{Structured Tweed}{Structured Tweed}{Structured Tweed}{Structured Tweed}Outfit: Blazer- Piperlime, Oxford- Ralph Lauren, Jeans- Old Navy, Flats- Target, Purse- Kate Spade, Necklace- J.Crew, Sunnies- Betsey Johnson Structured outfits are my favorite. Oxfords. Pearls. Flats. All topped off with Kate Spade. With my wonderful fiancé around more often now that he's officially a Virginia gentleman, he might have been conned into being my photographer for a few blog posts. The jeans (I'm sure y'all see them in so many blog posts) are absolutely my favorite kind: Old Navy Rockstar, Dark Wash. They have the perfect shape and are absolutely made for comfort. If y'all want jeans that are easy to move in, try them! I promise you will thank me! xoBCC

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