Food & Drink Magazine

Stressed Much??

By Mamawithflavor @MaWithFlavor
Stressed Much??
We're over here in Japan trying to settle and it's kind of hard. We are still waiting on our furniture. I wish had put so much more in my unaccompanied baggage. For those who do not know what that is, it's basically what you ship ahead. I thought that we'd have our furniture by now so it's turning into a drag.  I would like to have our house nice and settled in and comfy before we (the whole fam!)start school. Having boxes all over the place/unpacking while trying to keep a clean/normalish house, happy kids, a relaxed husband, and going to school is going to be so hard. The rate things are going I think our shipment will arrive during finals!
I also have another problem..........I don't have a LICENSE! My husband is going to TDY soon and I will have no way of getting around. IE the japanese grocery stores. I could just take a taxi but that's $$$$$$$$$$.
Stressed Much??
There will be a lot of budgeting going on right about now.
Did you know it's really expensive here. Well at least the grocery is. Even on base the commissary is expensive. So we have to do a lot of budgeting.
Stressed Much??
Besides that......I LOVE IT. I am thankful every single day that I am here. Did you know that I wanted to move here since 2004? I wanted to be on a base overseas that my (late) brother and I could be stationed at together. While filling out my 'dream sheet' (military for where you'd like to go) when I was an Airman. Japan was on the top of the list. I remember envisioning blue skies, clear waters, and palm trees, and no it wasn't Hawaii. It was Okinawa. I never even heard of the place but for some reason Okinawa drew me in. My time in Germany was incredible and I thoroughly appreciated the experiences, the good, the bad, and extremely ugly that went on there, but I am so happy to be where I feel I was meant to go now, not years ago when I really wanted to be here. So. Yeah.
Stressed Much??
After a move the first 6 months are hard, so I am hoping and trying to stay very positive about it all.
Anyone else live/lived in Japan? Please share your experiences in the comments!
Stressed Much??

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